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【迈点网】The total active U.S. hotel development pipeline comprises 3,447 projects totaling 364,612 rooms, accor...

【迈点网】The total active U癫痫大发作的护理.S. hotel development pipeline comprises 3老人得了癫痫病是为什么,447 projects totaling 364,612 rooms, according to the May 2010 STR/TWR/Dodge Construction Pipeline Report released this week. This represents a 30.3-percent decrease in the number of rooms in the total active pipeline compared to May 2009. The total active pipeline data includes projects in the In Construction, Final Planning and Planning stages, but does not include projects in the Pre-Planning stage.

Among the Chain Scale segments, the Unaffiliated segment (-23.1 percent with 115,271 rooms) and the Midscale without Food and Beverage segment (-25.8 percent with 117,031) reported the smallest decrease in rooms in the total active pipeline青少年癫痫病因. The Economy segment posted the largest decrease in rooms in the total active pipeline, falling 64.1 percent to 5,824 rooms, followed by the Luxury segment with a 44.0-percent decrease to 5,940 rooms.

All seven of the Chain Scale segments reported decreases in the number of guestrooms in the In Construction phase, including four segments reporting declines of 60 percent or more: the Upscale segment (-63.9 percent with 15,578 rooms); the Luxury segment (-61.5 percent with 2,367 rooms); the Upper Upscale segment (-60.2 percent with 6,645 rooms); and the Economy segment (-60.0 percent with 2,576 rooms).

U.S. pipeline by Chain Scale segment (number of rooms and percent change May 2010 vs. May 2009)

* Includes those projects in the In Construction, Final Planning and Planning phases

Relative Reading:

The U.S. hotel result for April 2010


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